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Are IFT Practice Questions Enough?

By Arif Irfanullah, CFA

Posted on 17-01-17 at 11:10 am

Many students ask: “If I do the IFT Q bank, quizzes and mocks do I still need to work through the curriculum questions?” The answer is a resounding YES.  While IFT questions are a good source of practice, you must also do the questions provided by CFA Institute. This includes:
  1. Practice problems at the end of every reading
  2. Topic-wise tests on the CFA Institute website
  3. Mock exams provided by CFA Institute (also on their website)
Remember. The exam is being made by CFA Institute. Hence you must do the questions they are giving you.
Best of luck with your studies and your practice.
Arif Irfanullah, CFA

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