fbpixel 2020 Level I IFT Product Updates | IFT World

Live Online Classes for CFA® Program Exam Prep – Schedule

IFT is pleased to announce online classes to help you ACE the CFA Program Exams!

In these classes, the instructor focuses on solving exam-like questions from different sources to strengthen your concepts and get you exam-ready**.

Tentative plan and dates for IFT Live Classes:

May 2021 Exam:

Classes ended – Registrations closed

August 2021 Exam:

Classes ended – Registrations closed

November 2021 Exam:

Classes ongoing – Registrations closed

February 2022 Exam.

Classes Start Aug 21st. For the detailed plan please click below:

Request a free demo class here: https://buff.ly/3fyQLVL

For more details: https://ift.world/live

For more details and to purchase Live Classes please click here:


**Note:  These IFT Live Classes focus mainly on how to solve exam questions.  They are not a substitute for your self-learning from the IFT Videos, Notes, or the CFA Institute curriculum.