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IFT High-Yield Course

IFT High-Yield Course

The IFT High-Yield Course for Level II is based on Pareto’s 80-20 rule according to which 80% of the exam questions are likely to be based on 20% of the curriculum.  Hence this course focuses on the 20% material which is most testable.

We call this the “High-Yield Course” because your investment (your time and money) is low but the potential return (passing the exam) is high!  As with high-yield investments in the world of finance, there is risk.  Your exam will contain some questions which are not addressed in the High-Yield Course.  However, we believe that such questions will be few and if you complement the High-Yield course with sufficient practice, the probability of passing the exam is high.

Below are the main components of the Level II High-Yield course:

  1. IFT High-Yield Notes® summarize the most important concepts from each reading in 2 to 5 pages. Key formulas and facts are presented in blue boxes while examples appear in gray boxes.
  2. IFT High-Yield Video Lectures® are online video lectures based on the notes (PDF slides included).
  3. Key Facts and Formula Sheet: 14 pages covering key facts and formulas for all of Level II!
  4. High-Yield Questions: We have selected key questions from the IFT Q-bank which You Must Not Miss. 
  5. You will also get the IFT Mobile App to view High-Yield Videos and Notes.Download App

The High-Yield Course can be used on a ‘stand-alone’ basis if you are time-constrained. However, if you do have time, we recommend taking the High-Yield Course along with IFT’s regular material.  This will help ensure sufficient mastery of the entire curriculum.

Many candidates complain that they forget material covered earlier.  The High-Yield Course addresses this problem by helping you to quickly revise key concepts.

Samples: On your IFT account under “My Courses“, please find the course folder “00 Level II Free Trial & Exam Prep Advice“.  There you will see the samples for High Yield videos and notes.



* Validity: December 2023