fbpixel Level II Premium Package | IFT World
Premium Package 2024

Level II (2024) Premium Package 2024

The IFT Level II Premium package contains all the tools you need to maximize your chances of success on your exam day!

Here is what you will get in this package:

-80 hours of detailed video lectures and slides and curriculum examples.

-Active Learning: Summary slides and Practice quizzes after each video lecture

-IFT Study Notes: covering all readings and provided in a PDF format

-High Yield Videos: summary videos covering the most important points

-High Yield Notes: summary notes for each reading

-Question Bank with approx 2,000 questions.

-Topic Exams to test your knowledge at the ‘topic level’

-3 Full-Length Mock Exams

-Practice Problem Video Library: Detailed videos in which we solve the end of reading questions from the Level II curriculum.

-Formula Sheet:  With all the Level II important facts and formulas on this handy/printable document.

-Question & Answer with IFT instructor service (please read the details here)

-Pass protection:  You get access to updated materials till you PASS! For details and conditions please click here

Use Active Learning To Prepare for the Level II exam

IFT Study Sessions are organized into video lectures, slides, and quizzes to provide instruction + review + reflection.

The video lectures are bite-sized learning modules, and each module focuses on the learning objectives of a reading.

To master the reading content and learn the core concepts here is how you should make the most of these tools.

  1. Listen to the lectures. Do the examples of each reading with the instructor.
  2. Review the slides to recapitulate the essential points covered in the lectures.
  3. Take the short quiz provided after each lecture to apply what you have learned!

Complete your core concepts’ active learning experience by measuring your quiz performance.

Security Note: Because of increased piracy of our materials we have introduced some security measures. Please read about them by clicking here

All materials will be accessible from the IFT website in electronic format. No items are shipped to you. 

Note: IFT Live Online Classes are not included in this package. They must be bought separately.





* Validity: December 2024