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Q&A with IFT Instructor

Q&A with IFT Instructor

When you are stuck on a problem, example or concept, then Q&A with IFT instructor is where you can turn to!

Submit your query, and an IFT instructor will provide an individualized response within 48 hours. You will also be able to see Q&A from other premium students via our online forum.  We use a private forum hosted on Linked-In, so you will have to sign up for  free account on Linked-In. If necessary IFT will make a video to clear any confusion you have.


-This professional service will allow you to ask up to 30 curriculum or IFT material related questions (follow up questions are allowed)

-The origin of the questions asked as part of this service need to be either CFA Institute curriculum or materials or IFT published materials. Questions from a 3rd party will not be answered.


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