With the Level II exam just under 3 months away, it is critical to spend your preparation time wisely! Watch this video for advice on what to do and how to do it. CLICK HERE FOR THE IFT CRASH COURSE
With the Level II exam just under 3 months away, it is critical to spend your preparation time wisely! Watch this video for advice on what to do and how to do it. CLICK HERE FOR THE IFT CRASH COURSE
Passing Level I was a huge milestone, but you want to go further! Here are IFT’s tips for preparing for Level II. If you didn’t pass, and you’re retaking the exam, you can gain a few helpful pointers from this too.
For details on what has been added, removed or changed please see the chart here: Level II 2016-2017 Program Changes If you have any comments or questions please visit the IFT Help Desk Why study with IFT for Level I ? Watch this video Best Regards, Arif Irfanullah, CFA
If you failed the Level II exam your natural response is probably to feel disappointed. You might even be wondering whether or not you should continue with the CFA Program. The typical advice is to keep trying; however, I suggest a more thoughtful approach. Put the result on the side for a moment and ask yourself: did I really enjoy the subject matter? Try doing a post-audit on why you did not pass. Was it because you did not have enough time to prepare for the exam? Or did you have a very hard time understanding the concepts? Is… Read More