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Arif Irfanullah, CFA

Arif Irfanullah, CFA

Posts by the Author

Failed the Level III Exam? Sorry To Hear That…

Level III is a strange exam. In fact, this is the only exam where I come across some very smart and hardworking people failing. This has to do with the format of the exam. Those who study a lot, know a lot and end up writing a lot.  The problem with this approach is that a candidate might do half the paper really well but scramble through the rest… possibly leaving a few questions altogether. The most you can get on a good response is 100%.  If you leave an answer blank you get 0%.  The bottom line is that… Read More

Level III

Study Strategy and the New Practice Tests

Dear Level II candidates, We have updated the Level II Question bank to help you better prepare for the exams. For each reading, there is a ‘Practice Test’ with individual Level I style questions. We recommend that you solve this Practice Test after watching the videos/reading the notes for a reading. These questions are designed to give you the most value for your time invested, because each question is unique and the questions are arranged in a logical order. It will assist you in revising and applying concepts learned in the reading, as well as identifying areas where you are… Read More

Level II

2023 CFA Level III Exam Format

Dear Level III candidates, CFA Institute shared with us the following information about the 2023 Level III exams: We wanted to share some information about the format of the Level III exam that candidates will see in the February 2023 window and beyond. The look of an item set and essay set will not change with the Feb 2023 exam. The item sets will still have a vignette followed by 4 multiple choice questions, and the essay sets have a vignette followed by a varying number of essay questions, typically 3 or 4. What will change is how they are… Read More

Level III

2022 Level II CFA Program Changes

Each year CFA Institute makes changes to the exam curriculum. This year there have been a small number of changes to the LII curriculum. There are 47 readings in the 2022 Level II curriculum versus 48 in 2021. 4 readings from 2021 were dropped: R04 Trade Allocation: Fair Dealing and Disclosure R05 Changing Investment Objectives R09 Excerpt from “Probabilistic Approaches: Scenario Analysis, Decision Trees and Simulations” R40 Publicly Traded Real Estate Securities 1 new reading was added: R41 Backtesting & Simulation 11 readings were updated. Ethics has been moved to the end. ‘Corporate Finance’ has been renamed to ‘Corporate Issuers’…. Read More

Level II

2022 Level I CFA Program Changes

Each year CFA Institute makes changes to the exam curriculum. This year there have been many updates throughout the Level I curriculum. There are 60 readings in the 2022 Level I curriculum versus 57 in 2021. 2 readings from 2021 were dropped: R05 Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS) R07 Statistical Concepts and Market Returns 5 new readings were added: R02 Organizing, Visualizing, and Describing Data R07 Introduction to Linear Regression – moved from LII to LI R31 Capital Structure – moved from LII to LI  R52 The Behavioral Biases of Individuals – moved from LIII to LI R60 Ethics Application –… Read More

Level I
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