IFTs video based Level 3 Free Study materials will be much helpful to grasp the concepts so easily and to clear your doubts. Start your Level 3 exam preparation with the IFTs proper Study Plan:
With less than 3 months left for the exam it is crunch time. Spend as much time as possible studying and make your study time as productive as possible. Here are some do and don’ts: With every reading focus on the main points; do not get hung up on the details. Our lectures help you do that. (If you try to understand the depth of every single point you’ll not have time to practice… which is suicide.) Understand the curriculum examples… especially the ones which are relatively short and focused. I hope our videos are helping you with that. Practice… Read More
If you are registered for the 2019 Level III exam, you must have received an email from CFA Institute about changes to the item-set format starting June 2019. Here are some key points to note about the change: There is no change to the length of the exams. You will still have AM and PM sessions of 3 hours each. There is no change to the AM essay exam session. This change is only applicable to the PM session. There is no change to the total number of MCQs. The PM session still has a total of 60 MCQs. There… Read More
Watch my Level III study advice video for June 2018 below!
Watch my Level III study advice video for June 2018 below!
Watch my Level III study advice video for May 2018 below!
Watch my Level III study advice video for April 2018 below!
Your Exam is over and I am sure you have taken some time off from CFA studies. So what comes next? Please see my video blog here.