Watch this video to learn how IFT can help you pass the Level III exam. Have you used the Level III Free Trial? Browse the Level II offerings here: Level II Exam Help
Watch this video to learn how IFT can help you pass the Level III exam. Have you used the Level III Free Trial? Browse the Level II offerings here: Level II Exam Help
Watch this video clip to get a better understanding of what to expect in the upcoming exams. In this brief clip, we talk about the basic information about the Level II exam. Next, watch this: CFA Program Level II Exam: Preparing with IFT
Watch this video to learn how IFT can help you pass the Level II exam. Have you used the Level II Free Trial? Browse the Level I offerings here: Level II Exam Help
Watch is this video to learn how IFT can help you pass the Level I exam. Have you used the Level I Free Trial? Browse the Level I offerings here: Level I Exam Help
Watch this video clip to get a better understanding of what to expect in the upcoming exams. In this brief clip, we talk about the basic information about the Level I exam. Next, watch this: CFA Program Level I Exam: Preparing with IFT
Today CFA Institute is announcing the results for the November 2021 Level II exam. If you know your result, then you have either experienced the joy of passing or the disappointment of falling short. The result time is always slightly awkward for me – because I share the happiness of those who did well, while at the same time I feel for those who did not make it. For those who took the Level II exam, you will fall in one of the categories given below. Please click on the link which describes your situation. It is possible that a… Read More
To begin, I would like to congratulate you. You have passed the Level II exam, a significant accomplishment. Now, however, your next major target should be to clear the Level III exam. Unless there are compelling reasons otherwise, I’d recommend that you take the Level III exam in May 2022 or August 2022. You have a rhythm going, the Level II material is relatively fresh, so why wait? Now let us talk a little about Level III. There is a common perception that Level II is the hardest of all three exams, and so things get a little easier with… Read More
If you failed the Level II exam your natural response is probably to feel disappointed. You might even be wondering whether or not you should continue with the CFA Program. The typical advice is to keep trying; however, I suggest a more thoughtful approach. Put the result on the side for a moment and ask yourself: Did I really enjoy the subject matter? Try doing a post-audit on why you did not pass. Was it because you did not have enough time to prepare for the exam? Or did you have a very hard time understanding the concepts? Is the… Read More
Today CFA Institute is announcing the results for the November 2021 Level I exam. If you know your result, then you have either experienced the joy of passing or the disappointment of falling short. The result time is always slightly awkward for me – because I share the happiness of those who did well, while at the same time I feel for those who did not make it. You will fall in one of the categories given below. Please click on the link which describes your situation. It is possible that a few of you might not have received your… Read More
If you failed the Level I exam it is natural to feel disappointed, but you must put this temporary setback behind you and move on. Failure was never meant to be a signal to turn back, but instead, an obstacle that the stronger and wiser use to boost themselves up and attain greater heights. Your recent failure might cause you to wonder whether or not to continue with the CFA Program, and if so when to retake the exam. Let us consider the first question: whether to continue with the CFA Program or not. For those who did not… Read More