fbpixel curriculum changes | IFT World

2024 Level III CFA Program Changes

Each year CFA Institute makes changes to the exam curriculum. This year there are some major revisions and some minor revisions to the Level III curriculum. There are minor changes in the revised readings. The changes in the LOS for the revised readings are given below. The material remains the same primarily from the concept testing point of view. Data in Examples and Exhibits have been updated to make it more relevant for 2024, but that does not change the concepts taught in 2023. Some text has been added to the revised readings to introduce the candidates to say a… Read More

Level III

2023 Level II CFA Program Changes

Each year CFA Institute makes changes to the exam curriculum. This year there have been a small number of changes to the LII curriculum. There are 49 learning modules in the 2023 Level II curriculum versus 47 readings in 2022. (The CFA Institute has made this change: A Reading is now referred to as Learning Module (LM) for each topic.) 5 readings from 2022 were dropped: Introduction to Linear Regression Capital Structure Mergers & Acquisitions Capital Budgeting Return Concepts 1 new reading was added: Cost of Capital: Advanced Topics 6 readings were updated. Multiple regression content has been divided into… Read More

Level II

2023 Level III CFA Program Changes

CFA Institute periodically updates its curriculum for the CFA Exam. The regular updates are meant to stay up to date with the innovations and challenges of the investment management industry. However, for the 2023 exam year, there are no changes from the Level III 2022 curriculum. This may partly be due to the many changes we saw in 2022. To see the changes introduced in 2022 click here. This is good news for those candidates who may need to re-take the Level III exam in 2023! IFT Level III Exam Prep Packages are available now, start your studies now with… Read More

Level III

2023 Level I CFA Program Changes

Each year CFA Institute makes changes to the exam curriculum. 2023’s level 1 Curriculum has changed in terms of the structure along with some revisions in the content. Revised Structure: Study sessions are no longer part of the curriculum and readings have been replaced with Learning Modules. The curriculum structure for 2023 is as follows: Topic (e.g., Portfolio Management) Learning Module(s) (e.g., Introduction to Risk Management). Learning Modules are now the equivalent of the old “Readings”. LOS (e.g., define risk management). LOS are no longer numbered. Lesson(s). Content Changes: On the content side, a few learning modules were added and some… Read More

Level I

2022 Level III CFA Program Changes

Each year CFA Institute makes changes to the exam curriculum. This year there are some major revisions and some minor revisions to the LIII curriculum. There are 35 readings in the 2022 Level III curriculum versus 38 in 2021. 2 readings from 2021 are dropped: R04 Professionalism in the Investment Industry R07 The Behavioral Finance Perspective 1 new reading is added: R30 Integrated Cases in Risk Management: Institutional 8 readings are updated. Ethics & GIPS are moved to the end. Overview of Fixed-Income Portfolio Management → Minor Changes Liability-Driven and Index-Based Strategies → Minor Changes Yield Curve Strategies → Major Changes… Read More

Level III

2022 Level II CFA Program Changes

Each year CFA Institute makes changes to the exam curriculum. This year there have been a small number of changes to the LII curriculum. There are 47 readings in the 2022 Level II curriculum versus 48 in 2021. 4 readings from 2021 were dropped: R04 Trade Allocation: Fair Dealing and Disclosure R05 Changing Investment Objectives R09 Excerpt from “Probabilistic Approaches: Scenario Analysis, Decision Trees and Simulations” R40 Publicly Traded Real Estate Securities 1 new reading was added: R41 Backtesting & Simulation 11 readings were updated. Ethics has been moved to the end. ‘Corporate Finance’ has been renamed to ‘Corporate Issuers’…. Read More

Level II

2022 Level I CFA Program Changes

Each year CFA Institute makes changes to the exam curriculum. This year there have been many updates throughout the Level I curriculum. There are 60 readings in the 2022 Level I curriculum versus 57 in 2021. 2 readings from 2021 were dropped: R05 Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS) R07 Statistical Concepts and Market Returns 5 new readings were added: R02 Organizing, Visualizing, and Describing Data R07 Introduction to Linear Regression – moved from LII to LI R31 Capital Structure – moved from LII to LI  R52 The Behavioral Biases of Individuals – moved from LIII to LI R60 Ethics Application –… Read More

Level I

2020 Level III Program Changes

Each year CFA Institute makes changes to the exam curriuculum. For details on what has been added, removed or changed for Level III please see the chart here: Level III 2019-2020 Program Changes by IFT If you have any comments or questions please visit the   IFT Help Desk Why should you choose IFT to pass the exam? Watch this video! Best Regards, Arif Irfanullah, CFA

Level III

2019 Level I Program Changes

Each year CFA Institute makes changes to the exam curriculum. For details on what has been addedd, removed or changed for Level I please see the chart here: Level I 2018-2019 Program Changes by IFT To learn more about the 2019 Level I exam and make your study strategy…watch this video post If you have any comments or questions please visit the   IFT Help Desk Best Regards, Arif Irfanullah, CFA

Level I

2019 Level II Program Changes

Each year CFA Institute makes changes to the exam curriuculum. For details on what has been added, removed or changed for Level II please see the chart here: Level II 2019-2020 Program Changes by IFT To learn more about the Level II exam and make your study strategy…watch this video post If you have any comments or questions please visit the   IFT Help Desk Best Regards, Arif Irfanullah, CFA

Level II